(Keep scrolling down to read time bomb article)
Having the USA government fulfilling the role of the "Great white father" super colossal social and family provider is like having the fox guarding the hen house.
There is no way our all power welfare state is going to continue tolerating individual freedom in the USA because it already has the power to tax at will and take what it wants to continue ruling over us like we are peons.
The Supreme Court and no law are going to stop it unless the minimum wage is completely eliminated, period. Then the people can take back the family provider role for themselves and the government will be dependent on the will of the people like the founding fathers designed it.
I think one of the dumbest and naive political moves I've seen lately is the denying being a witch political Ad. All that did was focus on the negative and give legs to something no one would have given a damn about except the shallow liberal news media.
Instead of her relentlessly pounding on no jobs and too high taxes which is a sure winner she allowed herself to be sucked into the mire of a juicy personal issue by trying to disprove a negative, which is almost impossible. Still, it’s better late than never to right the ship.
My unsolicited advice is get out front, let the voters decide, don't be shy, ask them which political party will most likely control wasteful spending and help the private sector provide real lasting jobs, not big government temporary make work jobs.
The obvious political party that will do all of that is a no brainier, let the voter decides. Whoever wins, hopeful the people will have heard both sides and not one side drowned out by a lot of emotional nonsense? .
Most candidates get side tracked because of the mass news media.
The media will bite on just about anything and run like hell with it if there is even a hint of smut or dirt involved. But, obsessing on juicy and personal stuff leaves voters without a sensible option and in almost all cases works against a conservative.
The liberals will go to the extreme in tossing the media some bait to help lure a conservative away from lower taxes and more jobs. I believe the Brown case is an example of trying to keep the focus away from high unemployment and too high taxes.
A word to the wise, don't let the personal stuff throw you off message. The majority Productive citizen cares far more about more jobs and less taxes than who did who. HELLO?
Keep the drum beat going louder and louder for more jobs and less taxes no matter how loud the personal distractions is blasted about you, then you can’t lose with the stuff you use.
Okay, let's get real and face the rock hard cold steel facts. Starting with the "New deal" the liberals from both major political parties has created our big government monster size social and family provider beast.
It has created countless government dependents with many depended on government for their only survival. What surprises and scares the hell out of me is around 95 percent of the American people don’t see anything wrong with government being a super family provider and think that is normal.
Nothing could be farther from normal; it’s insane for government to be a family provider in a free country. No free country will remain free with government in the all powerful role of super family provider.
Going back over 5000 years until the "New deal" came along the nuclear and extended family system always maintained with discipline the family provider role, then liberals in the name of government seized it for themselves solely to dish out goodies to keep power.
But, government refused to set standards, then family discipline went out the window especially in the African American community. And even to this day no one is instilling self-restraint in most black males and they are filling up the prisons at an ever increasing rate.
I can’t make you believe me but I’m still going to tell you the gospel truth anyway, there is no way in hell the USA is ever going to be saved from doom without rebuilding the nuclear family system as part of any solution. Now, chew on that!
Whoever is the family provider is the boss and has almost unlimited power over its dependents and in this case the voters. Whoever is your provider is your boss like it or not no matter how you spin it.
The only power we the people have left in America is our vote and that is practically useless in a real showdown because very few government dependents are going to bite the hand that feeds them.
Right now, you hear the Tea party talk and the talk about voting one team out and putting in a new slower team, drip, drip, dripping still ever so slowly toward full socialism. What we need is a halt and then a retreat no matter how slowly away from socialism.
But, until I actually see a retreat I believe it is still all talk because practically all of the real power is still in the hands of our all powerful sugar daddy welfare state provider. Really, do you people actually believe a new team in place is going to put a dent in social spending?
It has never been done in the past and I bet my bottom dollar it ain’t gonna happen this time if we get a new team running the show. Sure, there will be a lot of talk and promises but nothing will have any real teeth in my view.
Around the world you see labor unions and others rioting in the street when even the smallest cut or changes are planned. Well, the same thing is going to happen in America when real change is seriously proposed. And for now I just don’t think the voters are quite ready to do what must be done for this nation to survive.
There simply is no painless way out of the burdens and responsibilities the liberals have taken on for this nation to have to bear. I know the future may look hopeless but all is not lost. But, it’s going to require some great wisdom I, Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. can provide.
Whatever is done to save this great nation from total destruction must utilize the “Natural selection” process. Any piece meal cuts here and there are going to pit one group against the other to no end.
Forget about who may lose this or that the existence and survival of the nation itself is at stake. There is no avoiding deflation, plus deflation itself is not a bad thing, avoiding deflation is what got us in this dire mess in the first place.
The thing about deflation is it is harmless and healthy if brought about in a “Natural selection” process. On the other hand if it is managed solely by man it could mean everyone going for each others throat and total chaos.
Okay, first things first, before action is taken the goal should be to return the family provider role back to where it belongs with the nuclear and extended family system. If that is not the goal there is nothing I can do to help save this great nation.
If the goal is to save this great nation by returning the provider role back where it belongs, here is my propose plan of action: Government should prepare by first setting up all around the country community wise only emergency shelters, kitchens, and clinics.
Once that is done, completely eliminate the minimum wage entirely, period. That will through the “Natural selection” process slowly start deflating the entire economy in a manageable way, however, there will be survival growing pains, but they will be bearable, the economy and country will survive with freedom still intact.
There will be many, many, more jobs and the whole system will start correcting itself. The whole process depends on the government returning the provider role back to a quickly rebuilding nuclear and extended family system and letting the private sector rebuild the free market place.
Government should focus on internal and external defense, community wise shelters, kitchens, and clinics, and collecting a lot less in taxes needed. Deflation will bring about a balance where all prices will start coming down to where the average working man and woman can live and pay their own medical cost out of pocket. It is not the amount of money that counts its the buying power of money that truly matters.
This is my solution to help save this great country from collapsing into total chaos. If anyone else has a better solution step forward, then dismiss my plan of action. A word of advice, keep listening to the eggs heads that keep spouting the big government line and we all are going to be up S... creek without a paddle.
He that keepeth thee will not slumber.

CULTURE: USA culture is becoming a joke. Run-a-way crime is a symptom of a weak failed culture. The USA can't be saved without first saving its culture, period. And its culture can't be saved without first giving the USA economy back its free floating wage and price purging power societal discipline, by repealing the arch-evil 1938 Federal Minimum Wage Law, only that can save the USA from total doom at this late stage. Freddie L Sirmans' Log: 17 January 2022, 2239 Hours
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
(Scroll farther down for chicken with head cut off analogy)
The scariest thing in the world for a liberal is to get caught in a position where there is no one else to blame and he has take responsibility. To try to get a liberal to avoid shifting blame is like shoving a cross in the face of a vampire.
I really don't like to dwell too much on me when I write but there is a time for everything and I will be brief concerning me.
I know I don't have any real power to change anything or convince anyone else to make changes, however, no matter how small, I do believe I am offering enlightenment which can be a life line for this nations survival.
There is no doubt in my mind that I’m right on the vast majority of my analyses. I feel sooner or later more people will realize the validity of my great wisdom to aid in the survival of this great nation.
If I’m wrong I will continue to be almost completely ignored as a kook. But, if I’m truly right as I say I am all of the king’s horses and all of the kings men are not going to be able to keep my talent and abilities from seeking their own level of greatness.
If God willing and the creek don't rise I will stay the course because persistent and determination alone are omnipotent. “My help cometh from God, he will not suffer thy foot to be moved.”
No American business man wants to leave his own country and take away American jobs. But, first a business must survive both its competition and the ability to make a profit or it cease to exist.
What is really driving Americans jobs out of the country is the appetite demand of our welfare state to fund its super social and family provider role. The truth is the social and family provider role belongs to first the Nuclear and extended family system, the church, and community organizations, period.
As a last resort government should help out but only on a temporary basis. That has been the foundation for civilizations survival for over 5000 years until the “New deal” came along. I’m telling you economics is just one leg of the survival stool and it's not the most important one either.
If a nation doesn’t have a dependable nuclear and extended family system in place along with a good moral and religious code no amount of money is going to save it from doom.
Yet, I hear the liberals blaming everybody and his brother for America's financial problems when they are the ones to blame for creating this super welfare state beast that want to provide cradle to grave care for everyone with tax payers money.
Hell, I would be for big government taking care of me and everybody, too, but I have sense enough to know it's impossible and it will destroy the country. Get a grip America before the liberals leave us all to perish.
Have you ever seen a chicken run around with its head cut off, I have and it’s not a pretty sight?
I was born in 1942 and we lived on a farm. Many times I have seen my mother kill a chicken for dinner. There was sort of a chopping block in a back yard that you couldn't find a blade of grass anywhere.
My mother would fire up a huge pot of boiling water then go out to the hen yard and grab a pullet. She would take the pullet by both legs and hold its neck over that block, then she would take a large machete like butcher knife and whack the head off with one swing.
She would then quickly sling the chicken out into the yard; the chicken would land on its feet and run headless like crazy in all directions for several seconds. The hot boiling water would permit the feathers to be easily pulled off.
Today most people don’t realize it but anytime we eat meat someone had to perform a violent act necessary for our survival. That is what all of this activity involving the economy reminds me of. Almost everyone is running every which a way trying to come up with a solution.
I can guarantee you what the problem is in four words and it is what's destroying both the USA culture and economy, but reason and sanity has flew the coop; reality has yet to set in. And until these four words I’m talking about are dealt with nothing is going to work.
Way back before the nuclear weapon age of mutual destruction the authoritarian non-free market place governments survived by exploiting smaller and weaker states. Non-free market place states have never been able to feed its entire population except through slavery of some other type of exploitation.
Today no country can survive without a free market place unless it has natural resources to sell or receive outside help. “Government as a provider” is the four words I’m talking about and is the arch-villain that have all but destroyed our culture and economy.
Once government seized the provider role for itself and got drunk on the godlike power as a super provider, it don’t ever plan on going back to just protecting and defending the country and doing only the things the people can’t do for themselves.
As long as government is still in its super provider role we the people might as well kiss this great land of the free goodbye because nothing less than kicking government out of that role is going to save the USA from doom.
When government is in the role of super provider it has practically all of the real power and it is going to use that power to consolidate and protect that power, the country, manufacturing, jobs and everything else can go straight to hell as long as its provider role is protected.
You mark my words nothing less than kicking the government out of its super provider role is going to amount to a hill of beans.
Sure, government has a responsibility to help keep people alive by providing community wise things like community shelters, community kitchens, and community clinics, but anything more destroys the “Natural selection” need for the nuclear and extended family system. And that is the worst thing you can do to any society, because when the nuclear and extended family system goes culture decline soon follows, then the economy stalls and finally total doom.
When the nuclear and extended family can’t help an individual then to the rescue should be the church and community organizations, and if all of that fails only then should the government help with community wise facilities.
There must be a survival need for the nuclear and extended family system or it will cease to exist. A welfare state destroys that need. Kicking the government out of it provider role is all it will take for the USA to survive and regain its greatness because nothing else is going to save us from total doom.
I know my God given great wisdom will be totally ignored but still I’ve did my duty. In life there are no free rides, sooner or later the day to pay the piper can't be put off any longer and must be paid in blood, sweat, or tears.
The energy and force that is driving this whole world wide decline of western civilization is the mostly big government liberals that are dead set on making more and more people government dependent.
Everything spins off of that driving force, you name it, high taxes, jobs going over seas, illegal immigrants, and every other ill of today is a direct result of liberals determine to finance their social and family provider role.
It is an impossible task because as more and more dependents are made you have fewer and fewer people paying into the system. Still, the liberals keep fooling enough voters with big promises and smooth talk to stay in power, what a sad situation.
I'm fixing to say something about me that is probably my wild imagination gone astray, but still it just may be an ounce of truth in it. Here goes, it is mind boggling how a shy neurotic insecure poor South Georgia USA country boy with only a high school formal education can raise up out of the ashes like a phoenix and influence world wide economic thinking.
That is truly a miracle that only destiny can bring about, if you doubt me just read some of my books found on any Internet search engine, Alias Freddie L Sirmans, Sr.
My miracle could never have happen before the Internet age. I agree my books may not always be top notch professionally written because everything is done solely by me. The formatting and grammar may not always meet the highest standard. But, none of that stops my supernatural great wisdom from shinning through.
When it comes to the bare bone survival of this nation many of my answers and solutions are unsurpassed. I believe what is at stake here is the survival of western civilization and capitalization itself.
I also believe my deep, deep wisdom bores through all of the smoke, fog and others distractions and strikes at the heart of the arch-villain (Government as a provider) that is about to take down the USA and western civilization.
Unless this villain is shot with a silver bullet or an iron stake driven through the heart the American people will never be able to regain enough power to stop this welfare state beast from selling this country’s sovereignty to the U.N. or some new world body.
Sure, I’m going to be called a kook, nut case, and a host of other mentally disturbed names but still none of that will proves me wrong. Only History can prove me wrong and the wait won’t be very much longer because I believe this whole global economy is on the brink of collapsing.
When you read my writing it is raw, crude, extreme, and undiluted by any editor or anyone just like when you drink your liquor straight with no chaser, only the rough and tough can take it.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.
The scariest thing in the world for a liberal is to get caught in a position where there is no one else to blame and he has take responsibility. To try to get a liberal to avoid shifting blame is like shoving a cross in the face of a vampire.
I really don't like to dwell too much on me when I write but there is a time for everything and I will be brief concerning me.
I know I don't have any real power to change anything or convince anyone else to make changes, however, no matter how small, I do believe I am offering enlightenment which can be a life line for this nations survival.
There is no doubt in my mind that I’m right on the vast majority of my analyses. I feel sooner or later more people will realize the validity of my great wisdom to aid in the survival of this great nation.
If I’m wrong I will continue to be almost completely ignored as a kook. But, if I’m truly right as I say I am all of the king’s horses and all of the kings men are not going to be able to keep my talent and abilities from seeking their own level of greatness.
If God willing and the creek don't rise I will stay the course because persistent and determination alone are omnipotent. “My help cometh from God, he will not suffer thy foot to be moved.”
No American business man wants to leave his own country and take away American jobs. But, first a business must survive both its competition and the ability to make a profit or it cease to exist.
What is really driving Americans jobs out of the country is the appetite demand of our welfare state to fund its super social and family provider role. The truth is the social and family provider role belongs to first the Nuclear and extended family system, the church, and community organizations, period.
As a last resort government should help out but only on a temporary basis. That has been the foundation for civilizations survival for over 5000 years until the “New deal” came along. I’m telling you economics is just one leg of the survival stool and it's not the most important one either.
If a nation doesn’t have a dependable nuclear and extended family system in place along with a good moral and religious code no amount of money is going to save it from doom.
Yet, I hear the liberals blaming everybody and his brother for America's financial problems when they are the ones to blame for creating this super welfare state beast that want to provide cradle to grave care for everyone with tax payers money.
Hell, I would be for big government taking care of me and everybody, too, but I have sense enough to know it's impossible and it will destroy the country. Get a grip America before the liberals leave us all to perish.
Have you ever seen a chicken run around with its head cut off, I have and it’s not a pretty sight?
I was born in 1942 and we lived on a farm. Many times I have seen my mother kill a chicken for dinner. There was sort of a chopping block in a back yard that you couldn't find a blade of grass anywhere.
My mother would fire up a huge pot of boiling water then go out to the hen yard and grab a pullet. She would take the pullet by both legs and hold its neck over that block, then she would take a large machete like butcher knife and whack the head off with one swing.
She would then quickly sling the chicken out into the yard; the chicken would land on its feet and run headless like crazy in all directions for several seconds. The hot boiling water would permit the feathers to be easily pulled off.
Today most people don’t realize it but anytime we eat meat someone had to perform a violent act necessary for our survival. That is what all of this activity involving the economy reminds me of. Almost everyone is running every which a way trying to come up with a solution.
I can guarantee you what the problem is in four words and it is what's destroying both the USA culture and economy, but reason and sanity has flew the coop; reality has yet to set in. And until these four words I’m talking about are dealt with nothing is going to work.
Way back before the nuclear weapon age of mutual destruction the authoritarian non-free market place governments survived by exploiting smaller and weaker states. Non-free market place states have never been able to feed its entire population except through slavery of some other type of exploitation.
Today no country can survive without a free market place unless it has natural resources to sell or receive outside help. “Government as a provider” is the four words I’m talking about and is the arch-villain that have all but destroyed our culture and economy.
Once government seized the provider role for itself and got drunk on the godlike power as a super provider, it don’t ever plan on going back to just protecting and defending the country and doing only the things the people can’t do for themselves.
As long as government is still in its super provider role we the people might as well kiss this great land of the free goodbye because nothing less than kicking government out of that role is going to save the USA from doom.
When government is in the role of super provider it has practically all of the real power and it is going to use that power to consolidate and protect that power, the country, manufacturing, jobs and everything else can go straight to hell as long as its provider role is protected.
You mark my words nothing less than kicking the government out of its super provider role is going to amount to a hill of beans.
Sure, government has a responsibility to help keep people alive by providing community wise things like community shelters, community kitchens, and community clinics, but anything more destroys the “Natural selection” need for the nuclear and extended family system. And that is the worst thing you can do to any society, because when the nuclear and extended family system goes culture decline soon follows, then the economy stalls and finally total doom.
When the nuclear and extended family can’t help an individual then to the rescue should be the church and community organizations, and if all of that fails only then should the government help with community wise facilities.
There must be a survival need for the nuclear and extended family system or it will cease to exist. A welfare state destroys that need. Kicking the government out of it provider role is all it will take for the USA to survive and regain its greatness because nothing else is going to save us from total doom.
I know my God given great wisdom will be totally ignored but still I’ve did my duty. In life there are no free rides, sooner or later the day to pay the piper can't be put off any longer and must be paid in blood, sweat, or tears.
The energy and force that is driving this whole world wide decline of western civilization is the mostly big government liberals that are dead set on making more and more people government dependent.
Everything spins off of that driving force, you name it, high taxes, jobs going over seas, illegal immigrants, and every other ill of today is a direct result of liberals determine to finance their social and family provider role.
It is an impossible task because as more and more dependents are made you have fewer and fewer people paying into the system. Still, the liberals keep fooling enough voters with big promises and smooth talk to stay in power, what a sad situation.
I'm fixing to say something about me that is probably my wild imagination gone astray, but still it just may be an ounce of truth in it. Here goes, it is mind boggling how a shy neurotic insecure poor South Georgia USA country boy with only a high school formal education can raise up out of the ashes like a phoenix and influence world wide economic thinking.
That is truly a miracle that only destiny can bring about, if you doubt me just read some of my books found on any Internet search engine, Alias Freddie L Sirmans, Sr.
My miracle could never have happen before the Internet age. I agree my books may not always be top notch professionally written because everything is done solely by me. The formatting and grammar may not always meet the highest standard. But, none of that stops my supernatural great wisdom from shinning through.
When it comes to the bare bone survival of this nation many of my answers and solutions are unsurpassed. I believe what is at stake here is the survival of western civilization and capitalization itself.
I also believe my deep, deep wisdom bores through all of the smoke, fog and others distractions and strikes at the heart of the arch-villain (Government as a provider) that is about to take down the USA and western civilization.
Unless this villain is shot with a silver bullet or an iron stake driven through the heart the American people will never be able to regain enough power to stop this welfare state beast from selling this country’s sovereignty to the U.N. or some new world body.
Sure, I’m going to be called a kook, nut case, and a host of other mentally disturbed names but still none of that will proves me wrong. Only History can prove me wrong and the wait won’t be very much longer because I believe this whole global economy is on the brink of collapsing.
When you read my writing it is raw, crude, extreme, and undiluted by any editor or anyone just like when you drink your liquor straight with no chaser, only the rough and tough can take it.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.
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